Track Shipment

Shipment tracking information

Here are your shipment details

Shipping tools

Locate a drop box

Locate one of the many GLS dropboxes located near you. Search by address, city or ZIP code.
Locate a drop box

Time-in-transit map

Our time-in-transit maps illustrate the number of transit days for delivery of your Priority or Ground shipments from the five digit origin ZIP code entered.

Calculate time-in-transit

Estimate Rates and Times

View available delivery times and published shipping rates for your destination area.
Estimate Rates and Times

Our benefits

Shipments arrive in the hands of your customers more quickly with benefits including:

Faster delivery

Faster delivery to every address in California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Colorado, as well as the metro areas of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.

Easier next-day

Next-day Ground delivery over a much larger geography, reducing transit times by at least a day when compared to the national carriers.

Flexible pickup options

GLS offers flexible on-call, scheduled, and drop box pickup solutions.

Earlier delivery

Delivery by 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. to many areas.

On-time delivery

Among the highest on-time delivery percentages in the industry.

Still Have Questions?

Get in touch with us today!

📞  1-800-322-5555

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